Writing Software For Android Requires Java 1

Writing Software For Android Requires Java

This can be an updated blog based upon an earlier blog on starting Android programming on a Windows 7 PC. It had been done to reveal changes to the Java JDK, Android ADT, and SDK, and the Eclipse IDE. 45 while Google has created an Android ADT bundle which includes Eclipse, the ADT plugin, and all the equipment which are necessary for Android software development.

This makes things easier for the developer since only 2 bundle types need to be downloaded and installed – Oracle Java and the ADT Bundle. I also got this opportunity to include lots of screen-shots as well as revise the written text of your blog. Recently, I invested in an Android smartphone (albeit an inexpensive one) and wished to write my very own software for the smartphone. So I did some extensive research via the Internet about Android software development.

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Writing software for Android requires Java. So, the first thing to do is and set up the Oracle Java JDK download. 1. Open a web browser and go to here – Click on ‘Download’ under the JDK column – NOT the JRE column (see shape below). Click on ‘Save File’ when the dialog box arises.

This will take a while to finish downloading. When completed, go back to the last website (use the browser’s back again, key), scroll down the next page until the truth is Java SE 7-Documentation (see figure below) – then click on it. Again you first have to simply accept the license agreement (go through the ‘Accept License Agreement) and then click on the ‘jdk-7u45-apidocs.zip’ file.

Save this document to the same folder as the JDK you have downloaded. Again, this will take a while to complete downloading. Go to the folder where in fact the downloaded Java JDK file ‘jdk-7u45-windows-i586.exe’ resides and double-click on it. Click ‘Yes’ when UAC arises – then ‘Next’, ‘Next’, and again ‘Next’.

When you start to see the ‘Successfully Installed Java SE Development Kit 7 Update 45’ windowpane, click ‘Close’. 45 in my own case). If UAC pops up, click on the ‘Continue’ button. 45′ in which 2 sub-folders, ‘demonstration’ and ‘sample’ are found. 45 in my case). If UAC pops up, click on the ‘Continue’ button. You now have Java JDK 7 installed. HOME. If you intend to use a text editor and/or the control line (, or with Eclipse) to build up Java programs, you have to do this if you want to develop Java software manually. Failure to do this could cause error(s) when developing and testing Java software.

Also, the path variable need to include the ‘bin’ subdirectory of the Java JDK if the ‘javac’ compiler is used to compile Java software from the command-word line. 1. Right-click on the ‘Computer’ icon on your desktop (if present) or go through the ‘Start’ button then right-click and select ‘Properties’. 2. Click on ‘Advanced system settings’ located on the left-hand column.

3. Click on the ‘Environment Variables’ button. 4. Under the System variables part, click ‘New’. 45 in my case). Press ‘OK’, ‘OK’ followed by another ‘OK’. 10. Reboot Windows 7 for the PC to identify the new system factors. HOME has been set correctly. If not, check that you have followed the steps (1) to (10) above correctly.

45′ as the output line, the path has been set correctly. If not, check that you have followed the steps (a) to (j) above correctly. 45″” in one of the result lines, then you properly have installed Java. Writing software for Android requires the official Android SDK also, and the Eclipse IDE.