

I thought I’d do a series of blog entries on chemistry principles that are important to the makeup products crafter. Makeup products crafters as well as herbalists come from diverse backgrounds often without trained in chemistry. If you’re a cosmetic crafter or herbalist and have found that you could do far more with some chemistry knowledge, I hope my blog helps in your type of work then. But before we get started, if you are planning on making your products ‘chemical substance free’ you are recommended by me think normally.

Our body themselves are comprised of chemicals and everything we put in or on the body comprises chemicals. With some understanding of chemistry we can find out which of these chemicals are safe, effective, and best for us actually. Lipids could be considered the most important part of skin care products. They are able to protect your skin from water loss, helping the hurdle function of the skin. Lipids are described by their ability to be soluble in organic solvents.

In general lipids are utilized by mammals like us for energy reserves and to form cell membranes. The main lipid category is a triglyceride, called a triacylglycerol also. Other lipids include phospholipids, steroids, and essential oils (for lack of every other category to put them). We’ll concentrate on the triglycerides alone though.

The structure of the triglyceride is a glycerol molecule as a backbone with three essential fatty acids attached to that. Since glycerol is a three-carbon sugar, each fatty acid can bind to 1 of the carbons. Glycerine is alcoholic beverages as described by the -OH groups also. Is a triglyceride Below?

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You can easily see the three-carbon glycerin portion of the molecule on the still left and the fatty acid solution chains to the right. Using this type of connotation each bend of the comparative series signifies a carbon atom. Fatty acids are long-chain hydrocarbons and recognized by the number of carbons in their chain as well as by the number and keeping double bonds.

In this amount the first fatty acid solution from the very best has16 carbons with no double connection. This fatty is abbreviated 16:0 and called palmitic acidity. This fatty acidity is saturated meaning that there are no double bonds in the string. Each carbon atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms (not shown) therefore the carbons are saturated with hydrogen.

The second fatty acid solution from the very best has 18 carbons and one double bond. This is abbreviated 18:1 and is called oleic acid. Notice too that the double bond reaches the ninth carbon. The 3rd fatty acid solution chain has 18 carbons but three double bonds again. That is abbreviated 18:3 and is referred to as alpha-linolenic acid.

This is an omega-3 fatty acidity which identifies the fact it has a dual bond 3 carbons from the omega end of the string. So each different oil or body fat you utilize in skin care consists of triglycerides. Triglycerides found in different oils have different essential fatty acids associated with them, which is referred to as the fatty acid profile. Various fatty acids can have different properties for skin care, a topic for another blog.