How To DEVELOP A Facebook Fan Page For YOUR SITE 1

How To DEVELOP A Facebook Fan Page For YOUR SITE

Just a note to say that my business split up with Facebook and no longer has an enthusiast web page. However, this tutorial still works and you’re welcome to set up a Facebook web page for your website or blog if you want! Creating a Facebook fan web page for your site can be anxiety-inducing, particularly if you’re aiming to keep your real identity separate from your blogging identification.

However, it doesn’t have to be complicated – once you observe how easy it is, you’ll wonder why you waited such a long time. First of all, let me tell you that it’s alright to be logged into your personal Facebook accounts when you create your fan page. ONCE I made my first one, I was terrified that my last name, personal profile, or other information would be associated with it.

  • User’s settings (change email/security password, notification configurations)
  • Click on Edit HTML button and Click on Proceed button
  • Engage, comment, like, post, reply, talk about, retweet, on all platforms
  • Learn how to get a site name

After setting it up and tests it from my son’s profile, though, I learned that I was worried for nothing. If it is arranged by you up with a different email address, it’ll be much more difficult to control because of all the logging in and out. Second, while many people like to set up a regular Facebook profile with their blog name, it’s easier to set up a fan page.

That way your enthusiasts can “like” your blog and never have to add you as a friend, and the page functions shall be simpler to control. 2. Select Brand or Product in the top right container. You’ll be prompted to choose a category. 3. In the category dropdown, go for Website.

4. Enter your blog name under the Category dropdown box, check the package to consent to Facebook’s TOS, and click Get Started. 5. You’ll be asked to provide some basic information about your web page. Complete a description, your website URL if you have one and choose a distinctive Facebook URL for your fan page.

You’ll also be asked if your web page represents a genuine business, product, or brand – no worries if yours doesn’t! It really depends on whether you consider your blog a continuing business or brand but answering “no” is fine if your blog is a hobby just. 6. Next you’ll be prompted to publish a profile picture. When you have a logo design, this would be considered a good time for you to upload it. If you don’t feel absolve to omit this task – you can include an image later always.

7. Add your web page to your Favorites. A link will be positioned by This option to your fan page in the left sidebar when you’re logged in to Facebook. It’s totally optional but helps it be really easy to find your page later! 8. Be taken to your page, You’ll, which includes the admin -panel over the top. Feel free to explore the various options and settings.