20M Revenue for 2014) value of contracts readily available with completion dates between 2015 to 2021. I’m not going to speak much here – visitors can understand more and judge for themselves in the annual reports or company website. As mentioned in my prior post, I’d choose to keep my articles brief in the foreseeable future. I’ll keep this evaluation simple without delving too much into the specifics.
0.40. Readers of my blog could have known that I purchased into its shares a couple of years back again and sold it for a good income. 30% of the trading was done by the same group investing among themselves. 1. There’s presently no proof or signs from SGX that the management or insiders themselves are manipulating the share price.
630K. That’s about 3.3% of outstanding shares. 3. On 19 Jan 2016, indie director Serena Lee purchased 800,000 shares and raised her stake from zero to about 0.42% of outstanding. 6. Some brokerages have instituted trading limitations on the company after the “Trade with Caution Alert” by SGX, leading to the share price to remain significantly frustrated even after crashing.
7. The business has a long operating background relatively, is in sound financial condition and I can reasonably expect it to keep turning in respectable results within the next 5-10 years. Up to now, there’s no indicator or proof such dangers materializing (yet). Also, the talk about buybacks from the business and an unbiased director provide some comfortableness. 0.40, Koyo International is clearly expensive and a purchase at that point would certainly prove reckless.
0.056 clearly undervalues the ongoing company and absent the 2 key risks coming true, a purchase should turn out profitable. Does being slapped with a “Trade with Caution” notify by SGX warrant a substantial sell-down to huge undervaluation place? It depends really. Security selection requires a skillful balance between your known facts of the past and possibilities of the future. The future is uncertain so that as investors, we must take and take care of risk always. The risks mentioned previously are extremely real however the fact is that we now have currently little evidence that it’ll happen.
An investor always have to deal with probabilities and as of this moment, my own judgement (I may be dead wrong) tells me that the risk to reward ratio is largely skewed to my advantage. To be sure, if the risks mentioned turn out to be true, it is sensible to market the stock (even at a loss). Before that, you can only control his/her risk by first understanding them and then diversifying properly as well as sizing such positions properly such that it will not inflict mortal damage to the portfolio as a whole.
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Interestingly, this example bears some resemblance to that of Avi-Tech Electronics which is shown in the SGX Watchlist credited to 3 consecutive many years of pre-tax losses. The talk about price got hammered so terribly that a purchase (do refer to my write-up here) made just last year would have reaped reputable results and dividends for the aggressive investor. Let me know very well what are your thoughts. Note: Disclaimer applies. Not a suggestion to buy or sell.
Thus the essential question here’s: what if the total of debt plus bottom be? Incidentally MMTers have tumbled to the importance of the latter amount “debt plus base” and sometimes refer to it as “Private Sector Net Financial Assets”. Regarding the personal debt, i.e. the interest yielding part of PSNFA, it is debatable concerning whether there must be any in any way.
Milton Friedman and Warren Mosler argued for zero debt. I much agree with them pretty, one reason being this: if the condition can print out money or grab any sum of money from the citizenry via tax, why borrow the stuff and pay interest onto it? Put another real way, as Keynes said, a deficit can be funded by borrowed or imprinted money, no one, as I know has explained the reason why for borrowing far. He wouldn’t: because taxi drivers have significantly more sense than economists. I’ve been through the possible quarrels for borrowing before on this blog, and nothing of the quarrels are impressive.
Thus borrowing is practical only if there’s no alternative way of coming by cash. Returning to the subject of focuses on now, what’s the ideal size of PSNFA, or put another way, what should the “target PSNFA” be? Well the more there is certainly PSNFA, all else equal, the greater the private sector will spend. After all, there’s a limit to the amount of state liabilities (PSNFA) that households and businesses will want to hold.